Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Change seems to be the theme of the moment.

Mollybee is officially pregnant. YAY!!! I cannot wait to meet my godchild! I know God has a special plan for KellyBabyBee. I know God will take care of the little one and help Molly and Brian with this. Everything is in His hands.

I feel really good about my job transition. Since I quit my job on Thursday, I have not been this happy in years. I tell everybody that I know that I quit my job and am moving forward. God made it very clear to me that I needed to close the door to a bad situation, and when I finally did what He wanted me to do, He opened another door right away. I put all my faith in Him when I took the step I had been afraid to take for years, and He held my hand and led the way to a better, brighter future. Now, I am hoping to help some friends in need that need to move forward. It's just like Pastor Joel writes, "Don't settle for mediocrity; never let good enough be good enough." "Keep moving forward."

I am excited about what is happening with the New Hampshire primary. I wish I was at Dartmouth right now. I did not watch the debates. I'm sorry I missed them. I started reading Obama's book because I fell in love with the title, "The Audacity of Hope." How courageous is that! So what if he's new to politics? That's just what Washington needs. Washington is full of old, outdated politicians. It's time to breathe new life into Washington. I hope Obama wins this primary for the Democrats. Hillary has already been in the White House, and I was very unhappy about it the first time around.

Like the saying goes, the times, they are a-changing. Thank God!

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