Thursday, January 17, 2008

Trial Puppy

I'm officially a Trial Dog in Training. Yay! I helped pick my first felony jury today. The jury panel had 65 people on it, and before we were done with voir dire, we got 20 people kicked off for cause. *Some* people just can't be impartial. Whatever. Get off my jury now, bitch!

Tomorrow, testimony is going to start at 10:00AM. I'm excited. At first, I was excited yesterday to learn that this trial was finally going to start today. Then, last night, I was feeling nervous. But this morning, I woke up excited. I had fun today.

I especially had fun when voir dire was finished, and I was helping the lead attorney and defendant strike people off the jury panel. There was an astronaut on the panel! I wanted to talk to him! I've never met a realy astronaut. Well, who do I see in court but my former boss. Ha! I kept staring him down because I knew he wasn't there to talk to little old me. Then, for the longest time, I thought he must surely be lost because he doesn't do *any* felony work at all and is RARELY seen inside a felony court. Finally, after we picked our jury and the lead attorney argued his motions to the judge, my former boss told some other lawyer he was waiting to do a plea. WHATEVER! I bet he messed that up! He will never be half the lawyer that I am now, and I'm just getting started. Hehehe...

I can't wait to sit second-chair tomorrow. This is awesome training because my friend has a similar trial case coming up in February that I will be helping him on. By the time this trial is done, I will totally be an expert in these types of cases. Oh yeah...

This is my third second-chair trial. If Mark lets me first-chair two of his trial cases, I will be qualified to apply for a court-appointed attorney in no time! Also, yesterday, this attorney asked me to help him with his upcoming felony trial. And this evening, another attorney asked me for help tomorrow. Hmm... It seems like everybody but my former boss wants to work me. How awesome is that?!?!?

And more good news, I found my Suze Orman book. Yay! I love Suze!

Anyway, I'm in the middle of preparing trial motions. So, I better get back to that. Fun!

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